We offer reliable housekeeping and garden maintenance services, ensuring your home is spotless and your garden thrives. Enjoy a clean, well-maintained space without the hassle—let us handle the rest.
We offer services in the sale and acquisition of real estate in German-speaking Switzerland . We also offer assistance in the marketing of rental properties: from the creation of a marketing concept to the issuing of the rental agreement, we manage initial rental projects.
Our construction team plans repairs, renovations and refurbishments and carries them out efficiently and under fair and transparent conditions. Our focus is on maintenance and renovation work in interior fittings, caretaker services, roofing/tinsmithing and facade renovation.
An older property can lose its marketability over the years. By adapting the floor plan, adding floors or changing the use, the life cycle can be effectively extended and the market potential maintained. A market analysis shows the possibilities and whether a new build is worthwhile.